Sunday, September 21, 2014

How to Calculate Pain and Suffering in a Car Accident Case

car accident lawyer new jersey
Car accident attorney New Jersey

There are two types of damages that you can claim when pursuing a car accident claim: special damages and general damages. Special damages are out of pocket expenses that must be proven with specificity and can be determined by adding your quantifiable financial losses. General damages are damages that naturally follow the liable party’s wrongful action and are not quantifiable.

One of the most common types of general damages is pain and suffering. Both insurance companies and personal injury attorneys can use various methods to calculate the value of pain and suffering.

The Multiplier Method

The multiplier method is a common approach used to evaluate pain and suffering damages. This method calculates pain and suffering damages by multiplying the actual damages (medical bills and loss of wages) by a certain number. The multiplier number commonly used is 3. However, insurance adjusters have become more reluctant to automatically concede to a multiplier of 3.

The Daily Rate Method

The daily rate is another a method used to calculate pain and suffering. This method assigns an amount of money to each day (or week) that the victim suffers from the accident-related injury. If your attorney chooses this method, he or she must be ready to articulate a valid reason for why he chose this amount of money per day.

Combination Method

The most efficient and systematic method of calculating pain and suffering is to use a combination of the multiplier and the daily rate method to get an approximate value. You will then need to adjust your expectations based on several important factors, including the extent of your injuries, how long you missed work, and whether the jury will respond to you as a witness.

Call Us

For more information or to schedule a complimentary consultation with a New Jersey car accident attorney, please call the Law Offices of Dan T. Matrafajlo at (908) 248-4404.

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